While you watch NEWSPOSSE, you should copy and paste the police report template below, fill out the necessary details about the people we expose, and send those reports to the relevant authorities. I’ve done most of the work for you. The more people who report the crimes, the quicker action will be taken. All information used here has been shared publicly.

Announcement: We are poised to unveil the identities of two individuals engaged in criminal activities. Our responsibility extends beyond mere exposure; it compels us to ensure that these individuals are held accountable before the law. Ready yourselves; the pursuit of justice commences.

We embark on this expedition together, bound by legality and guided by ethical principles. Let it be known that this is not an act of personal vengeance or unauthorized exposure. Rather, this endeavor mirrors the legal obligations that would apply should someone publicly display child sexual exploitation material whilst disclosing personal information. We are operating within the confines of the digital public domain, where the dissemination of personal information coincides with criminal content.

Our collective resolve is to dismantle the web of impunity that shields these transgressors. I extend an earnest invitation to join me in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agencies, to formally report or lodge a complaint regarding the crimes we uncover. By informing them of the public exposure of the perpetrators, we catalyze their response, safeguarding both the community and the legal process.

Together, we can forge a pathway to justice. The greater the number of voices raised in unison against these malefactors, the more potent our appeal to the authorities becomes.

I invite you to bolster our efforts and contribute to the pursuit of justice by supporting NEWSPASTE.com – https://newspaste.com/home/support-newspaste/. Together, we stand firm, vigilant, and committed to ensuring that those who would exploit the innocent are brought to justice.

The police reports are below the videos. Happy Hunting!

NEWSPOSSE Episode #1 Rise of the Posse! on RokFin


FRENCH Police Reports for Perp Number 1

In France, if you discover or suspect activities related to child sexual exploitation (CSE), it’s vital to report it to the appropriate authorities. Here’s how you can do so:

  1. Local Police or Gendarmerie: You can contact your nearest police station or gendarmerie and provide them with the information you have. In Montlucon where the first perp is based you can go to the English version of their website and follow the instructions https://www.masecurite.interieur.gouv.fr/en or you can file a report directly with the Montlucon police directly, but that site is only in French: https://www.masecurite.interieur.gouv.fr/en/informations-locales/police-allier and you’ll find all the different ways to contact them. You can also file reports at https://www.contacterlagendarmerie.fr
  2. Online Platform: France has an online platform called Pharos, where you can report illegal content or behavior that you come across on the Internet. Pharos – https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/critical-information-systems-and-cybersecurity/news/pharos-how-report-illegal-unwanted-and-harmful You can file a report online at internet-signalement.gouv.fr.
  3. Child Protection Services: If the situation involves a specific child at risk, you may also want to contact local child protection services at https://www.allo119.gouv.fr/english

Please remember that you should never attempt to intervene personally in any criminal activity. Always report it to the appropriate authorities and allow them to handle the situation.

Report a crime to the French Police

Here’s an example of what you might include:

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, Postal Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

Police Nationale: Police Commissariat Central, 41 Rue Joseph Chantemille, 03100 Montluçon, France

Subject: Urgent Report Concerning Child Sexual Exploitation

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to report a disturbing discovery I made online involving the sharing of child sexual exploitation images. I believe it is my moral duty to bring this urgent matter to your attention, so that immediate action can be taken to protect the innocent victims involved.

Details of the Incident:

  • Date and Time of Discovery: 17 August 2023
  • Platform/Website: Shareaza P2P File Sharing Platform directly from the accused.
  • User Information: M. Christian Bouriquet, 36 B Rue Du Gue, 03100, Montlucon – The IP Address sharing the files was under the Username “Paulo”
  • Nature of the Content: The files being shared included documents for M. Christian Bouriquet and his wife alongside a lot of child porn movies which titles included the rape of very young girls. He had no regular porn, just child porn. He was sharing Child Pornography and his own personal info publicly on a digital library.
  • Screenshots or URLs: The full contents of M. Bouriquet’s shared folder, mostly containing child pornography in available to watch in full on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v39gff2-newsposse-1-the-rise-of-the-posse-interactive-pedo-hunting-with-johnnyvedmo.html and also on RokFin Timestamp 31:55 where Johnny Vedmore starts to explore M. Bouriquet’s shared folder on the show NEWSPOSSE. You can contact Mr’ Vedmore at johnnyvedmore@gmail.com

I have tried to include as much information as possible without violating any legal or ethical guidelines. I urge you to investigate this matter as swiftly as possible to ensure the safety of the children involved.

I understand that this is a highly sensitive and critical issue, and I am willing to cooperate fully with any investigation. Please feel free to contact me at the email or phone number provided above.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this grave matter.


[Your Full Name] [Signature if submitting in print]

Please make sure to consult with the appropriate legal guidelines or contact the police directly to ensure that you are submitting the information correctly.


Also you can report in French, this is the same document as above:

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, Postal Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

Police Nationale Police Commissariat Central, 41 Rue Joseph Chantemille, 03100 Montluçon, France

Objet : Signalement urgent concernant l’exploitation sexuelle d’enfants

Cher Monsieur/Madame,

Je vous écris pour signaler une découverte troublante que j’ai faite en ligne, impliquant le partage d’images d’exploitation sexuelle d’enfants. Je crois que c’est mon devoir moral de porter cette affaire urgente à votre attention, afin que des mesures immédiates soient prises pour protéger les victimes innocentes impliquées.

Détails de l’incident

  • Date et heure de la découverte : 17 August 2023
  • Plateforme/Site web : Shareaza P2P File Sharing software directement de l’accusé.
  • Informations sur l’utilisateur : M. Christian Bouriquet, 36 B Rue Du Gue, 03100, Montlucon – The IP Address sharing the files was under the Username “Paulo”
  • Nature du contenu : Les fichiers partagés comprenaient des documents pour M. Christian Bouriquet et sa femme ainsi que de nombreux films pédopornographiques dont les titres incluaient le viol de très jeunes filles. Il n’avait pas de porno régulier, juste de la pornographie juvénile. Il partageait publiquement de la pédopornographie et ses propres informations personnelles sur une bibliothèque numérique.
  • Captures d’écran ou URLs : Le contenu complet du dossier partagé de M. Bouriquet, contenant principalement de la pornographie juvénile, est disponible pour être visionné en entier sur Rumble: https://rumble.com/v39gff2-newsposse-1-the-rise-of-the-posse-interactive-pedo-hunting-with-johnnyvedmo.html and also on RokFin Timestamp 31:55 where Johnny Vedmore starts to explore M. Bouriquet’s shared folder on the show NEWSPOSSE. You can contact Mr’ Vedmore at johnnyvedmore@gmail.com

J’ai essayé d’inclure autant d’informations que possible sans violer les directives légales ou éthiques. Je vous exhorte à enquêter sur cette affaire aussi rapidement que possible afin d’assurer la sécurité des enfants impliqués.

Je comprends qu’il s’agit d’une question très sensible et critique, et je suis prêt à coopérer pleinement avec toute enquête. N’hésitez pas à me contacter à l’adresse e-mail ou au numéro de téléphone ci-dessus.

Je vous remercie de l’attention rapide que vous porterez à cette affaire grave.


[Your Full Name] [Signature if submitting in print]

Copy and paste this template into an email, fill out the required details and report the crime to the contacts provided. I have done most of the work for you, you just need to show your intentions to report the crime by filling your details at the top and bottom of the documents and sending your report to any or all of the agencies listed above.

US Police Reports for Perp Number 2

If you come across or suspect activities related to child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Massachusetts, here’s how you can report it:

  1. Local Police: You can contact the local police department at Attleboro and provide them with the information you have. Find Attleboro Police at https://www.attleboropolice.org/
  2. Massachusetts State Police: You can also reach out to the state police department if the situation requires it, However they make reporting crimes harder at the state level https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-state-police
  3. CyberTipline: The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) operates the CyberTipline, where you can report child exploitation. Visit cybertipline.org or call 1-800-THE-LOST.
  4. District Attorney’s Office: Your local district attorney’s office may have specialized units for dealing with child exploitation crimes. Find contacts to Attleboro’s DA at http://bristolda.com/contact/district-attorney-offices/
  5. FBI Field Office: If the crime crosses state lines or involves a larger network, the FBI may be the appropriate agency to contact. You can find your local field office on the FBI’s website. FBI Tips https://tips.fbi.gov/home

Remember, if you believe a child is in immediate danger, always call 911 or your local emergency number right away.

You can fill out the report below and help me expose this perp.

Certainly. Below is a sample police report that you can use as a guide. Please ensure that all the information you provide to the authorities is factual and accurate.

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

Attleboro Police Department 12 Union Street Attleboro, MA 02703

Subject: Report of Child Sexual Exploitation Online

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention a highly disturbing and urgent matter concerning the online sharing of child sexual exploitation (CSE) material. I have identified the person responsible for these actions as Mr. William M. Dickson of Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Details of the Incident:

  • Date and Time of Discovery: 17 August 2023
  • Platform/Website: Shareaza P2P File Sharing Platform directly from the accused Ip Address:
  • User Information: Mr. William M. Dickson, 5 Mendon Road, Unit D, Attleboro, MA, 02703 – Date of Birth: 3/17/61
  • Nature of the Content: Mr Dickson sharing many videos of child rape and pornography online from his own IP address alongside a certificate with his name, address and date of birth.
  • Screenshots or URLs: The full contents of Mr. William Dickson’s shared folder, mostly containing child pornography in available to watch in full on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v39gff2-newsposse-1-the-rise-of-the-posse-interactive-pedo-hunting-with-johnnyvedmo.html and also on RokFin Timestamp 60:10 where Johnny Vedmore starts to explore Mr. Dickson’s shared folder on the show NEWSPOSSE. You can contact Mr. Vedmore at johnnyvedmore@gmail.com

I sincerely hope that you will investigate this matter swiftly and take the necessary legal actions to protect the children involved and the community at large.

I understand that this is a highly sensitive and grave matter, and I am prepared to cooperate fully with your investigation. Please feel free to contact me at the email or phone number provided above.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this critical issue.


[Your Full Name] [Signature if submitting in print]

Fill in the reports above and send them to any or all the relevant agencies and departments. Help me take these guys down!

Support NEWSPASTE at https://newspaste.com/home/support-newspaste/


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